Spanish 20/30 (Mi Autobiografía projects) Digital Stories

In the spirit of creating Digital Stories (#etmooc), I had my Spanish 20/30 students create Digital stories for a classroom project.

The students were to share their story, an autobiography (Mi Autobiografia) from the start of their lives to the present day.…

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Digital stories (Testing……)

Topic 2 for #ETMOOC was all about Digital Storytelling. I learned a lot during the 2 week session and tried out a few tasks. I realized, that I can also integrate these tools in the classroom setting with my students.

To create a visual story, I used I Movie off the I pad.…

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#etmooc Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

#etmooc Topic 2: Digital Storytelling

TASK 1: Consider many forms (Define and Collect)

A reflective post on Digital Storytelling

#etmooc asked us to reflect on the definition of Digital Storytelling.  When I look at the definition on Wikipedia it states:

Digital storytelling refers to a short form of digital media production that allows everyday people to share aspects of their life story.”Media”

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Welcome to semester 2! BYOD/T

Spanish 20/30 studentsSpanish 10










I am super pumped and excited for a new semester!

The first week came and went fast!  I can’t believe the second week of classes are already here!

This past fall, I allowed students to bring and use their own Devices and technology in my classroom (BYOD/T).…

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#etmooc and Connected Learning

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

Picture taken from #etmooc slide

I learned a lot with #etmooc and Connected Learning. As educators using technology in many different ways, it’s super important that we continue to be lifelong learners, to collaborate, and continue to live as connected learners!…

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