The MOOC Experience

One of the MOOCs that I enjoyed was “Web Storytelling” by Alan Levine aka Cogdog.  Therefore, I decided to another presentation by Alan entitled “True Stories of Openness”.  The title intrigued me because I thought the presentation was going to be more about open education in the form of the MOOC movement. …

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EDCI 515 – Professional Learning Project

Finally, after many late and restless nights, emails, Google Hangouts, webinars, meetings, research, discussions, and Skype sessions, our EDCI 515 – Professional Learning Project is complete.  We wrote a literature review and a proposal for School District 85 to seek funding for a pilot program to connect classrooms using video conferencing.…

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Prezi: Collaboration in Two Ways

The best thing that has come from working on my courses this year is the opportunity to collaborate.  During the summer, I used Google Docs for the first time and I absolutely loved being able to work on a document with other classmates who live in different communities.  …

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Prezi as a Professional Tool

Some time ago, I questioned whether a presentation created with Prezi was as professional as one created using PowerPoint.  I have spent a great deal of time looking at other users presentations  in order to answer this question.  I was only able to do this because the presentations are made public and available at one site. …

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Prezi and Specialized Fonts

When I created my presentation for Alumas Wałdamala, I had to use a special keyboard, Kwak’wala U’mista, to properly spell the words in this sentence. Of course Prezi does not have this as one of the fonts available.  Despite loading the keyboard onto my desktop, Prezi would not allow me to type in the words using the Kwak’wala U’mista keyboard. …

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Open Learning Using ETMOOC


I have actually participated in a few open learning activities through a couple of different MOOCs but have not found time to blog about them since I am busy participating in them.  I am participating in the ETMOOC (Educational Technology & Media MOOC) and the Aboriginal Worldviews and Education MOOC through University of Toronto. …

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First Prezi Presentation

A week ago, I used the second prezi that I have created to present at Alumas Wałdamala (Alumas Information).  I have attached the registration package for your information although the event has passed.  I was very honoured and humbled to be presenting a paper that I wrote for EDCI 532 in which the instructor was Monica Prendergast from the University of Victoria. …

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Discovering Treasures with Prezi

I must admit that I have felt a little intimidated with the idea of creating my first Prezi for a presentation that I am giving this Thursday.  My anxiety has held me back from actually creating the Prezi.  I am one of those people that needs time to think and reflect before starting a project.  …

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Learning Prezi

Well, I have decided to learn Prezi for a number of reasons.  Here is just the beginning of the list.

  1. It seems flashy and more fun than PowerPoint.  Movement and fun are two ingredients for engagement.
  2. Future presentation on March 14 and a presentation for EDCI 515.
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