Social Bookmarking vs Content Curation

I just finished watching the archive of “Introduction to Social Curation.”  The session opened my eyes to yet another reason why the development of a PLN is important and why it is so important to ‘give back’ or ‘pay it forward.’ …

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Day 2 of #etmooc – Like your first ski jump?

The following questions were posed by Alec Couros in the Welcome & Orientations session held on elluminate:

  • How do you make your learning visible? 

 My learning becomes visible as I develop a digital presence.  It doesn’t have to be anything formal, and it doesn’t have to all be in one space. …

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#etmooc Introduction

Here is my introduction to #etmooc. MOOC is the acronym for massive open online course. Educational Technology and Media or #etmooc was started by Alec Couros. I originally signed up to be an organizer and was able to see the planning of such an endeavor in action, but I think I will simply be a participant/observer this time around.…

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