What Does It Mean to be Digitally Literate?

On my drive to work this morning, the Roger, Darren and Marilyn were discussing how the “older” generation folks they have in their lives were struggling with things like Facebook, Twitter, Smartphones and things of this ilk. I found this discussion rather interesting for a number of reasons, first, I wonder if the likes of Roger, Darren & Marilyn might have been familiar with these tools five years ago; second, I was amazed (as I always am) at the speed of change when it comes to ICT; but third, I was pondering this discussion in light of the discussion led by Audrey Watters yesterday evening for #ETMOOC.…

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Introducing myself to #ETMOOC

I’m late and all of a sudden very, very busy BUT I am following the etmooc hashtag, lurking in google hangouts and viewing posts and blogs via my RSS. I am determined to participate, hence my lateness but am eager to learn from the many folks I follow on Twitter and folks I know who are involved.…

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