Natural Beauty: My First Attempt at Videolicious

Although this is my typical “Story of Counselling” I really wanted to experiment with the combination of voice, visuals and song. I was also inspired through my conversations on #etmchat this evening. I had never reflected on the beauty of being natural, putting yourself out there and embracing all the little mistakes, because each of these lines contribute the the overall story.…

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The Story of Counselling: Version 3 Voicethread

Voicethreads allow the audience to interact with the story through the ability to post comments and links around the content. Feel free to interact with me either through wordpress or voicethread.


I’ve taken the digital story challenge

This is my third version of the counselling story

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The Story of Counselling: Version 2 Haiku Deck

Day two of the challenge. I have chosen to share the same storyline as yesterday, only this time I have used the format of a Haiku Deck.


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The Story of Counselling- Version 1 Popcorn Maker

Over the next two weeks my goal is to share my story of counselling in as many different digital story formats as I can find the time to try. I am starting with my first attempt at a Popcorn Maker. Please feel free to provide any feedback on my post.…

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MOOCs: Community as Curriculum

Reblogged from catherinecronin:

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Like many educators I know, the start of 2013 has been about MOOCs. I’ve been participating in #etmooc — the Educational Technology & Media MOOC started by Alec Couros, Alison Seaman and a great team, and #edcmooc — E-learning & Digital Cultures, organised by another great team at the University of Edinburgh (and hosted by Coursera).

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Digital Storytelling: Engaging My Narrative Therapist

The narrative motto: “The person is not the problem, the problem is the problem.”

Narrative counsellors encourage their clients to develop characters in order to view an issue as external to themselves, rather than who they are.

Common elements in narrative therapy are:

  • The belief that stories shape a person’s identity
  • An appreciation for the creation and use of documents,when a client and counsellor co-author a story together
  • The need to create the client’s issue into a character in the script

I have personally used the narrative perspective while working with students who are anxious.…

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Administrators and Counsellors Partnering in Educational Leadership … Idea Inspired by ETMOOC

Reblogged from S Spellman Cann … Connecting, Collaborating and Continuing Education :

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I never underestimate the importance of the administration in any school, but an administrator who is showing digital leadership today is so important. George Couros models this extremely well.

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