Hope : A Message We All Need to Hear


Sharing an excellent reflection and resources.

Originally posted on School Counsellor Talk … Connecting, Collaborating, Curating and Continuing Education:


The following post was written by Vince Fowler a teacher at the Edge School in Calgary . He allowed me to share it with you.

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Social Networking in the Classroom: Talking to Students about Sexting


Responsibile digital citizenship is something that everyone should be addressing in schools. It is important to be proactive in our approaches, rather than simplying reacting to all situations. Josh provides a variety of suggestions for opening up discussions and learning opportunities.

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Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms

What is your passion?

You know that one topic/ idea that energizes you whenever you think about it?

For me, one of my passions is school counselling. I love my job!! I also love learning about new ways to connect with my students.…

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#DCMOOC- some final thoughts

Participation in the #DCMOOC community has enlightened my views of the impact of the internet on myself, my students and our society.

I would like to say thank you to:

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Supporting Students Who Experience Anxiety

Anxiety is the anticipation of the unexpected. It is a normal part of life. When harnessed it can be a positive force that can encourage us to take a chance and try something new.

However, as with all things in life, too much of anything is not good for you.…

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Citizenship: Being a Member of a Larger Community

Over the last five weeks #DCMOOC has allowed us to connect with a variety of leaders in the field of Digital Citizenship.…

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Social Media- A Platform for Developing Empathy

As #DCMOOC progresses I am continuing to reflect on the meaning, impact and importance of the digital world for both my students and myself.

This week I took Alec Couros` recommendation and read through Danah Boyd’s digital book ITS COMPLICATED: THE SOCIAL LIVES OF NETWORKED TEENS

As a school counsellor, I appreciated Boyd’s attempt to give a voice to the teenage perspective surrounding social media.  …

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How DO we develop Digital Citizenship

It is now week two of #DCMOOC.
I am so thankful to be part of this wonderful community and its collective body of knowledge. Our multi-level, multi disciplinary network provides a wealth of perspective and inspiration on how to assist students into developing into the best that they can be.…

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