#DCMOOC- A Fresh Start at Digital Citizenship

As a high school counsellor, parent and educator I value life long learning. #DCMOOC is a connectivist MOOC, which means it thrives on how students learn with and from each other. I am excited to start this adventure as I hope it will provide me with a flexible opportunity to connect with others who are reflecting on the importance of teaching and modeling digital citizenship.…

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Literally, Taking a Walk in Another Set of Shoes

The Merriam –Webster dictionary defines empathy as the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions: the ability to share someone else’s feelings. Sympathy is defined as the feeling that you care about and feel sorry about someone else’s trouble, grief, misfortune, etc : a sympathetic feelingIn short: Sympathy is done to someone, empathy is done with someone

I found Dr.…

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Yes George, School Counsellors Do Have A Hashtag


A quick reference for counselor hashtags

Originally posted on School Counsellor Talk … Connecting, Collaborating, Curating and Continuing Education:

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Great Memories Great Connections

Reblogged from School Counsellor Talk … Connecting, Collaborating, Curating and Continuing Education:

Click to visit the original post

Image source: CC BY 2.0 Catherine Cronin

Connections on line … they really do matter. Thanks @rljessen for putting together this great memory that I will treasure. ETMOOC ANNIVERSARY storify

Want to stay connected .

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Dr. Alec Couros- continues to inspire me


January 14, 2014

To Whom It May Concern:


As a former student participant in #Etmooc2013 I would love to nominate Dr. Alec Couros for the Teaching Award of Excellence for Flexible Learning. I joined #Etmooc in January 2013 as a relative rookie to the field of educational technology.…

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Sunshine Award Post


This is my second time being nominated for this type of meme, however since I found the first experience intriguing both in my reflection on answering the question, and connecting with my PLN I thought I would do a second round.…

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My Meme Homework task

I was tagged in this homework meme post by my Fellowship of the Openspokes pal Jeremy Inscho (@jeremyinscho).  I thought it was a great way to learn more about members in my PLN as well as share some new information about myself. …

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