Who’s Writing Rhizo14?

Well, I stole my own thunder. It happens.

I wanted to answer here the second of two questions about membership in Rhizo14, but instead I mostly addressed the question in a comment on Frances Bell’s blog. You’d think that at my age I’d have more control, but Frances’ post Ethics and soft boundaries between Facebook and other web services is such a fine read and engendered such a rich discussion, …

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Who Belongs to Rhizo14?

I have been edging up to this post for the past few weeks, but a Rhizo14 Facebook discussion today (Saturday, 2014 April 12, -5:00 GMT) and a comment to my last post by Frances Bell have pushed me into it. The Facebook discussion was kicked off by Sarah Honeychurch asking, “How do we feel about others who were not part of rhizo14 using our autoeth?…

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RhizoRhetoric and Legibility

In a recent comment to this blog, Maha Bali linked me to Venkatesh Rao’s post A Big Little Idea Called Legibility on his ribbonfarm blog, in which Venkat (Rao’s blog name) discusses legibility, an idea developed in James C. Stewart’s book Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed.…

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Rhizo-Rhetoric and the Problems of Unity and Multiplicity #rhizo14

Let’s assume, then, that writing a work of some kind—I’ll stop short of calling it a book—about Rhizo14 calls for a different kind of rhetoric, a rhizo-rhetoric. What would such a rhizo-rhetoric look like? That’s a great question for me, and I’m hoping that the Rhizo14 community will help articulate some answers to the question, but I still want to create some pockets of resonance and sound some …

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The Need for a Rhizomatic Rhetoric #rhizo14

I fully intended to write another post about power, and I will, but not today. My thoughts have been redirected by a marvelous Twitter chat some of the Rhizo14 group held this past Thursday. As a result of that chat, we are perhaps about to consciously write a rhizomatic document that explores the Rhizo14 MOOC.…

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The Question of Power and Technology in Online Spaces

Since the official end of Rhizo14, I’ve been spending much of my time grading papers and reading the precipitate from the cMOOC thunderstorm. The #rhizo14 garden is growing, meandering, carving new channels for itself—yes, mixing metaphors with wild abandon, and it is amazing to watch this happen.…

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Intermezzo and #rhizo14

In her post Questions about rhizomatic learning, Jenny Mackness ponders the arrangement of space in Deleuze and Guattari’s rhizome. She quotes D and G: “Nomad space is ‘smooth’, or open-ended. One can rise up at any point and move to any other” and “A rhizome has no beginning or end; it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo.”…

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Space, Possibility, and #rhizo14

In her post Questions about rhizomatic learning, Jenny Mackness notes that I “have written that ‘the space holds all the possibilities’, which has made [her] wonder what possibilities the structure holds.” This play with the tensions between open and structured spaces is a conversation I picked up from Michel Serres’ book Genesis, his meditations about how form, or structure, emerges from chaos, …

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