
I have the AVS suite of multimedia software and made this animated gif with the image converter. Click here to see how.
It was cold outside when we took these, but now she’ll be forever swinging!
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The Power of the Internet

Alec’s about.me page.

This week Dr. Alec Couros { @courosa } shared with our class using adobe connect. I’m a fair hand at skype, but simultaneous video, audio, chat, presentation is awesome, even if the audio crashes every few minutes.
Alec started with talking about.me

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Visualizing PLNs

I have spent a lot of time this week pondering connecting. It’s been the overarching theme of the first weeks of my Internet for Educators course at BU. I joined #ETMOOC and the first topic was connected learning. I’ve heard speakers talk about it.
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hello #etmooc

After much humming and hawing I’ve decided to join #etmooc, the education technology & media massive open online course. I’m still not really sure what it is all about, nor if I really have the time to add something else while I’m finishing my last semester of my Ed degree.…

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