The “Grande Finale”…or…is it “Just the Beginning”??

Here I am…writing my last post on my ETMOOC reflections.  My experiences, my participation, my learning.  It’s all about me folks …but is it really going to be my last post about my MOOC experiences?

I’ve really given this question a lot of thought lately. …

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It’s HERE! Dissemination of Learning Project…

Yes, the long-awaited presentation…

Click on this link and you will be taken to my and Leslie’s presentation.

What a journey.

What a ride.

Learned ALOT.

Went by too fast.

Created something really good!

Thanks Leslie :)

Cheers, Nadia


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Useful or Not??

After spending these past few weeks learning a new technology, Classroom Suite in my case, I began to wonder how useful this software really is in using it for teaching purposes.  Are the features attractive?  What are some possibilities?  Would students like using it? …

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My learning journey with Classroom Suite by IntelliTools has been anything but boring!  In my last post I indicated I was looking up the PLO’s for the lesson I am planning.  Wowzers!  Looking them up was a challenge in itself!  So many outcomes to read through, so many pages of text, and what’s up with that silly database anyhow??!! …

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Copyright, Copyleft, Creative Commons! Cloud Computing!

Sounds like a nifty jingle doesn’t it??! ….and look….they all begin with the letter “C”…. makes me go hmmm…I wonder why all these different topics begin with the letter ‘c’….

Anyhow, in my travels working on the blog my learning partner Leslie and I have started for our professional learning project, I wondered if we needed to add some kind of ‘license’ to our super awesome blog hardylocalfoods. …

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As I’m sitting here working away on my final assignments in my tech courses, I can’t help to stop thinking about my learning journey with the massive online open course I am participating in….ETMOOC.  I realized today that my UVIC tech courses will be ending within a few weeks and I’m feeling…..well….kind…

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Pluggin’ Along….

Spring Break is here!  I love this time of the year….Spring, and then my favourite season…Summer.  I always feel so encouraged and motivated when I can get outside to play more often, I truly love warm weather!  Many of my colleagues are travelling to distant places this spring break in search of sun and warmth, I’m green with envy!  …

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