Revolving Open Doors

Last week at OER13 I presented with Cleo Hanaway on OpenJoyce, a new academic and educational space for researching and learning about James Joyce. One part of OpenJoyce is to look into how “open” is now defined and how it can best be understood and explained; this to me is the key – Open can be understood, but can it be explained?…

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Dear TechCrunch


Dear TechCrunch,

Just thought I’d write to catch up and discuss peace terms as a member of the “old guard” and “going down without fight”. Based on your commentary – which I must praise you on as it reminded me of the Pulitzer prize winning photographs from Vietnam for its reportage.…

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The Boil, Lansing

Lansing is the capital of the state of Michigan, it is a pun ok?

So lets play a game

Open educational resources made a dramatic appearance with the 2002 debut of MIT’s Open Courseware initiative.

A dramatic appearance, what like a cape twirl?…

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Based on this,  Fukuyama and the Post-Human

Instead of Big Brother watching everyone, people could use the PC and internet to watch Big Brother, as governments everywhere were driven to publish more information on their own activities

Syria turns off the internet

the collapse of totalitarian empires and the emergence of the personal computer, as well as other forms of inexpensive information technology, from TVs and radios to faxes and email – were not unrelated

were not unrelated – SERIOUSLY?…

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MOOC Player / Manager

So this was going to be a blog about player-managers, which I delightfully assumed was so much a football (NO, NOT SOCCER FOOTBALL) concept that I’d have to explain player-manager first. So I go to Wikipedia, and it turns out Curly Lambeau, who not only played for and coached the Green Bay Packers, but also founded them.…

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