Libraries and ebook Creation

Libraries and ebook CreationToday I presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference on the topic of Libraries and ebook Creation.  The slides and notes (including a list of resources mentioned)  are available  as a Powerpoint file.  The list of ebooks projects and creation tools (pdf) is also available as a separate file.…

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Cory Doctorow FTR – International Postage

Twelve headshots of Cory Doctorow made to look like postage stamps

Remix of a photo by Jonathan Worth

This assignment was to take an image of Cory Doctorow from a collection of images created by Jonathan Worth and remix it.  My idea was to take the image of multiple small head shots of Doctorow and make them into postage stamps.  …

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Cory Doctorow FTR – International Postage

Twelve headshots of Cory Doctorow made to look like postage stamps

Remix of a photo by Jonathan Worth

This assignment was to take an image of Cory Doctorow from a collection of images created by Jonathan Worth and remix it.  My idea was to take the image of multiple small head shots of Doctorow and make them into postage stamps.  …

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Reading Movies

The movie clip that I chose to “read” was “Judge’s Game” from Rounders.  This is a movie that I knew nothing about before this week and know only a little more about now. The Judge’s Game scene starts with six older men playing cards.…

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Reading Movies

The movie clip that I chose to “read” was “Judge’s Game” from Rounders.  This is a movie that I knew nothing about before this week and know only a little more about now. The Judge’s Game scene starts with six older men playing cards.…

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Weaving the Web

Week 9 was a week for listening to the Headless DS106 Radio shows and for experimenting with hacking the web.

Radio Show Critiques

Finally I have listened to all of the Headless DS106 Radio Shows.  I am amazed that they are all so different in format, genre and theme and all so accomplished.  …

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Weaving the Web

Week 9 was a week for listening to the Headless DS106 Radio shows and for experimenting with hacking the web.

Radio Show Critiques

Finally I have listened to all of the Headless DS106 Radio Shows.  I am amazed that they are all so different in format, genre and theme and all so accomplished.  …

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Hacking – Word of the Year

While brainstorming for ideas for today’s Daily Create, “Draw/Create an image that creates a positive connotation for the word “hacking”, I realized that I could combine this with our assignment to hack a website. What better way to give hacking a higher profile than to have the Oxford English Dictionary announce that hacking, in the sense of remixing, be the word of the year for 2013.…

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