syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Quality Matters Standards 7 & 8: A Review

QMOver the past two weeks, we have been going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will continue with Quality Matters Standard 7 & 8.

QM Standard 7

The course facilitates student access to institutional support services essential to student success.

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PI in LA

I’m excited to return to Cal State University Los Angeles (CSULA) to give a couple of workshops on peer instruction. My thanks to Beverly Bondad-Brown in the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning for the invitation.

My first workshop is about writing good peer instructions.…

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Quality Matters Standard 6: A Review

QMOver the next two weeks, we will be going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will continue with Quality Matters Standard 6.

QM Standard 6

Forms of interaction incorporated in the course motivate students and promote learning.

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Quality Matters Standard 5: A Review

QMOver the next two weeks, we will be going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will continue with Quality Matters Standard 5.

QM Standard 5

Forms of interaction incorporated in the course motivate students and promote learning.

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Lesson #20 I Want To Be A Good Digital Citizen


Week 2 of #DCMOOC and I find myself thinking about digital citizenship in everything I do. Isn’t that what we want students to do? Isn’t that what I want to do … think before I post, learn to be a good digital citizen.…

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Project Roundtable: How Can Hangouts Transform Teacher Collaboration?

*After your RSVP, put your info on the planning doc*:

*Hangout Purpose*: The purpose of this roundtable is to explore all of the ways in which Google+ Hangouts can and will transform the collaborations happening synchronously and asynchronously between teachers and leaders around the world.…

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Now With References!

I’ve created a full-blown references page for All MOOCs; this makes up the entirety of my citation list for the dissertation which inspired this blog project.  My earlier bibliography received several shout-outs as congruent to open scholarship, and I think a reference list that can snapshot the MOOC phenomenon not just as a learning system but a mechanism of hype and sociopolitical discourse can serve value.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs