syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

valarywithawhy: Project Makeover – Rebranding Unlearning As I…


Project Makeover – Rebranding Unlearning

As I starting thinking about this week’s question about unlearning, one of the first things I did was look up the common definition of the word “unlearn.” According to Merriam-Webster it means “to be unable to recall or think of.”

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Uncertainty in #rhizo14

The third challenge for #rhizo14 is almost over, and I’ve yet to say anything about embracing uncertainty. I’ve been thinking about it, but I also delivered a paper at the Southern Humanities Conference in Richmond, VA, this weekend, so I’ve had some distractions.…

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Libraries and ebook Creation

Libraries and ebook CreationToday I presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference on the topic of Libraries and ebook Creation.  The slides and notes (including a list of resources mentioned)  are available  as a Powerpoint file.  The list of ebooks projects and creation tools (pdf) is also available as a separate file.…

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Libraries and ebook Creation

Libraries and ebook CreationToday I presented at the Ontario Library Association Super Conference on the topic of Libraries and ebook Creation.  The slides and notes (including a list of resources mentioned)  are available  as a Powerpoint file.  The list of ebooks projects and creation tools (pdf) is also available as a separate file.…

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From Lee Webster: Hosting a Podcast On Google Drive

Very interesting way to use google drive for hosting your own podcast.

Original Post from Lee Webster:

Some great tips for using Google Drive for podcasting 

Our “How To” of the week has us speeding up our websites. As we go through the process of social filmmaking there will always be lessons learned along the way.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs