syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Uncertain, Uncertainty and I don’t know!

I sometimes wonder why I bother to write my thoughts down as there are so many thoughtful responses and replies to the “uncertainty” question Dave Cormier posted this week in #rhizo14. Often I write to clarify my own thoughts on my path to figuring out the “I don’t know, but I hope to find out/understand.”…

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Ode to Educon

This is a digital story made in a workshop in the winter of 2014. It is about my first experience at #Educon in Philadelphia.

Here is the companion Poem that goes along with the video:
(Sometimes, I am an independent eyeball.)…

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Exploring Voicethread Using ARCS Instructional Design Approaches

Whitney Kilgore , Vice President, Learning Technologies, Academic Partnerships International, along with Leah B. Mangrum, Assistant Professor of Communication, Angelo State University, and Jennifer Miller, University of North Texas/Dublin Independent School District, co-authored an article that was recently published in the Journal of Media Education.

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What Is The Moment In Which Learning Changed For You?

In this podcast, I talk about how no one else will tell your story for you.

I also think through how important it is to do reflections about moments that it had great impact upon your learning life. In the digital storytelling workshop that I am a part of, I realize that I hadn’t been pulling out important moments.…

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What are the stories you most want to tell?

I’m engaged in a Digital Storytelling workshop this week, and it has made me rethink all of the stories I want to tell about learning and even my own life. It also makes me think that choosing a "new" medium for the story doesn’t so much matter, so long as the medium fits the story you want to tell.…

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How to mentor – Part 1

“Open minds lead to open doors” 

Dealing with interpersonal relationships can sometimes be challenging (if not most of the time).

Regardless of the highest professional qualifications, field experience, and given the most appropriate positive attitude towards developing healthy and positive relationships, we know we will usually face different and unexpected reactions caused by decisions, actions, words, mistakes, omissions, that element of unpredictability.

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Enforced Independence/Learned Helplessness

So this week in Rhizo#14 (Rhizomatic Learning) we’ve been asked to discuss Enforced Independence or what happens when we give people the opportunity to make educational choices in what they choose to learn, how they approach tasks and complete/not complete the given task.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs