syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#etmooc: Singing Happy Birthday to a Course

It’s not often that I’m invited to attend a birthday party for a course—but then again, it’s not often that I find myself immersed in a learning opportunity that produces the sort of sustainable community of learning that #etmooc has.

etmoocThat wonderful massive open online course (MOOC)—the Educational Technology and Media MOOC that Alec Couros and others offered to great acclaim in early 2013—was something that many of us heard about from colleagues or simply stumbled across during our general online explorations of MOOCs last year.

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‘The underbelly of education according to Karen’

I learn best when I work with others. I talk my way to learning. I need the discourse to help me refine my ideas and to open up new avenues of thought and connections. My entire learning history is based on fusing my thoughts with the thoughts of others.…

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Last week Coursera announced an educational partnership with Discovery Communications  to offer Coursera MOOCs via their new web portal  As noted in the press release, Discovery Communications is the parent company for both The Discovery Channel and Animal Planet:

We’re excited at the potential of

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Apparently, there are some folks that believe we don’t need math to be good at computer science. Hmm…

This is a really intriguing concept of what skills are needed by today’s learners in terms of math (including logic) and language arts. I think it speaks to the shifts significantly.

For a counterpoint, here is a response to this article:

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Code combat: an open sourced game that teaches everyone how to program by programming the game.

I love the recursive nature of this open project. I can’t wait to see just how many folks sign on to help create it. The community that is being crafted around this project is one to watch.

Original Post from Ian O’Byrne:

Awesome – Teach students (and learn) how to code using an online multi-player challenge, and now it’s open-sourced #CodeCombat  

CodeCombat is a programming game for learning to code; a multiplayer coding challenge arena for sharpening your skills; a Y-Combinator-funded startup; and as o

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Academic Partnerships Launches New Online Global Specializations Credential With Top U.S. Public and Private Universities

Academic Partnerships logo

Academic Partnerships Launches New Online Global Specializations Credential With Top U.S. Public and Private Universities

Specializations Expand Reach and Increase Revenue for U.S. Universities; Fill Need for Accessible, Affordable Higher Education Around the World

DALLAS (Jan. 21, 2014) – Academic Partnerships (AP), one of the world’s largest representatives of online learning, today announced that it has launched a new Specializations initiative designed to help partner universities capitalize on the globalization of higher education.

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Shared Human Moments

Take a few minutes to watch this video.

Powerful. Here’s the backstory.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how Twitter is not simply about sharing information – it’s much more about sharing our collective human experiences. When we read tweets, we read lives – or at least the parts that someone chooses to share.…

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The ‘What is Personalized Professional Learning?’ Roundtable

Thanks to everyone for attending!

Things you can do to keep the conversation going:

1. Continue to edit and add to the Google Doc:

2. Apply for the Badge after you have reflected on the roundtable:

3. Engage in the next roundtables by proposing a topic:…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs