syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


Leio alguns trabalhos e observo as diferentes reações, entendimentos, considerações sobre esta figura, a do tutor! LĂłgico que tanto o aluno presencial quanto o aluno EaD apresentam reações tĂ­picas quando sĂŁo cobrados ou se envolvem em desculpas sobre atividades ou mesmo quando acontece da falha ou nĂŁo nos envolvimentos emocionais, entre os alunos e a tutoria, já que a figura do professor se mantem distante.…

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Charlie Chaplin’s Wild Kingdom

Initially I drew a blank when trying to think of a new story for the clip of Charlie Chaplin in the lion’s cage, but then it reminded me of the Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom television show which suggested some possibilities.…

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Charlie Chaplin’s Wild Kingdom

Initially I drew a blank when trying to think of a new story for the clip of Charlie Chaplin in the lion’s cage, but then it reminded me of the Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom television show which suggested some possibilities.…

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Explore PLN (failure/success)

Technically I am a MOOC failure. One more data point for those who are tallying the high drop out rate for MOOCs in news stories across all media these days. A disappointment to Jeff Merrell and Kimberly Scott who facilitated Exploring Personal Learning Networks (#xplrPLN.)…

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Understanding Korean Social Structure and Culture – Lecture 3 & 4

We have talked about symbols, language and norms

4. Values
Can be considered the most important. Values are what is important and worthwhile. They are the points of reference that guide our behaviour, direct our goals and define our judgements.
As a matter of comparison what are America’s values
– freedom/liberty/democracy
– individualism (self fulfilment)
– success
– justice
– equality
– honesty (Korean culture does not value honesty Confucius taught submission)
– patriotism
– prestige
– Wealth/money
– Power
– Family (highest divorce rate in world)
– Hard work
– Do I yourself
– Science/tech to solve prob
– Do to others what you would have unto you
– Charity
Korean Values
– respect elders, parents and ancestor worship kajonk
– family
– hard work
– education (83% of graduates go to uni)
– collectivism Confucius
– nationalism
– hierarchy (Confucius says inequality is natural)
– success
– wealth (almost equated to worth)
– prestige
– etiquette/politeness (defining characteristic)
– health/long life ( eat snake, drink goat/deer blood) Confucius
– save face
– social harmony
– social conformity
– loyalty
– personal relationships (Confucianism)
Values have roots in Confucianism.…

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Daily 5 and Blogging in the Intermediate Classroom

    Teaching Language Arts in my classroom is never the same from year to year.  I am always experimenting with new lesson plans and ideas trying to find that elusive “right” way to teach.  Unfortunately, there is no one way that works for every child in the classroom and that is why I am always changing what I am doing. 

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Udacity: Shifting Models Means Never Having to Say You’re Sorry

Just over a year ago (a year and two days, to be exact), Clay Shirky wrote Napster, Udacity & the Academy, one of a few “must-read” articles regarding the MOOC phenomenon.  …

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