syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Thank you, NW eLearn!

I did some major self-promotion today!
I have uploaded my PowerPoint slides from my presentation on

Scroll down to the bottom, and you can download the slides. Feel free to contact me about anything I talked about, and I really appreciate all of the kind regards listed in the chat.…

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Free Booklet! Compelling Conversations on the MOOC Movement

Comprised of  thirteen carefully selected articles and essays, MOOC Moment shares opinions of MOOC proponents and skeptics captured by Inside Higher Ed contributors since the site’s first mention of MOOCs in December 2011.
Focusing less on ……

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Learning Lab: Social Learning, Curation and Gamification

On Monday I start taking part in a Learning Lab with the Masie Learning Consortium and using a tool called Curatr. The idea of the Lab is to get experience with the tool, using social learning and implementing gamification to the learning. …

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The Student Blogging Challenging has drawn to a close

I learned about the Student Blogging Challenge through Sue Waters who was the Blog Guru and Fairy Blog Mother for #etmooc. She has taught me, supported me as a blogger and answered my questions so when she put out the call for mentors I volunteered.…

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#etmooc #ltis13 Mappa 2: moneta digitale










Per visualizare la mappa clicca Bitcoin.

Non ha neppure un lustro, ma ha un Wiki; libera dalle banche e dagli istituti di credito, ma può diventare «uno strumento di pagamento dei traffici illeciti di organizzazioni criminali o veicolo di destabilizzazione dei sistemi economici» (Le nuove frontiere dell’illegalità a mezzo internet).

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I created a Five Card Flickr Story!!!

(Better late than never!!!)

Five Card Story: Thank God for HOPE!

a Five Card Flickr story created by @christycate

flickr photo by Dr. Martinjj

flickr photo by bionicteaching
next part of the adventure
flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by bionicteaching

One can’t help but look around at the beautiful scenes of nature and the innocence of children and see HOPE!
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Ugh! Wake Up!!! You are a BLOG, you know!!!

So it’s been awhile…

Don’t ask… I’ll just tell you…

Life happened… Illness, family, job, tired, blah, blah, blah!

And then the excuses started that I always used to NOT start a blog in the first place…

1. I don’t really have anything to say that anyone wants to read…

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A Must-Read! DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education

“This book is all about the power of sharing ideas freely, ” says Anya Kamenetz, author of DIY U: Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education.
Actually, the book is mostly about sharing ideas ……

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For The Birds

One of my favorite little stories to get teachers to think about technology and its use in the classroom, is to talk about the great Alfred Hitchcock film, The Birds.

When I was in college, my film professor used the scene of Tippi at the school to teach POV shots.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs