syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Reluctant Connector: Final Reflections on My First MOOC Experience via Independent Study

I went into my first MOOC as an adult learner unseasoned in the self-directed approach to learning. The idea that my learning is directed by me and not facilitator-centered is a concept I am gaining comfort with. I am still getting used to the idea that I must take ownership of my learning.…

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Half baked, revisited

I’ve been thinking a good deal lately about personal learning networks (PLNs) and their relationship to organizational knowledge sharing and collaboration. Or maybe not so much thinking as observing. Observing the emergence of new PLNs.

PLNs are the result of an individual being a connected and effective digital, networked learner.…

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Dear Janet, Thank you so much for your support at…

Dear Janet,

Thank you so much for your support at the VRT conference. That was the best, the most supportive audience I could have wished for myself. So many friends showed up, including you.

You are right – now that I have tried presenting at a live webinar, I want to do it again in the future.…

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Can Gameful Learning with Social Media Change the World?

In this Learn with Michelle Google+ Hangout, Michelle Pacansky-Brock speaks with Jason Rosenblum and Bob Strong from St. Edward’s University to discover how principles of gameful learning have transformed their Global Social Problems course into ……

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Social Media Safety and Awareness Month from Lee Kolbert

This post originally appeared here.
“It’s National Social Media Safety and Awareness Month. Actually, there is no such thing; yet with so many awareness campaigns for other very important issues, I think it’s about time we ……

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New! Professional Development at the Faculty eCommons

At the Faculty eCommons, we’re dedicated to helping you design and teach high-quality online courses that meet the needs of today’s learners. That’s why we’ve expanded our professional development opportunities to address topics you request ……

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#etmooc #ltis13 Lezioni di cyberspazio attraverso mappe

Ascoltando i podcast delle lezioni sul Cyberspazio, di cui ho riferito qui, ho pensato di sintetizzarle attraverso mappe riconoscendo che la visualizzazione è un sistema efficace per mettere a fuoco i punti salienti di un argomento e trovare relazioni. Propongo una prima mappa che anticipa i temi delle singole lezioni: Cyberspazio.

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What does Open mean?

As part of our  presentation at OER13 we did a survey on what people considered “open to mean”. You can see all of the responses on the spreadsheet.

Some of the shorter responses

Visible and public.
The ability to use and share the work freely and without constraint provided you credit the author/source
It’s a buzz word to associate education with equal opportunity.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs