syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#TMGlasgow a Delight


Last night I went along to TeachMeet Glasgow.

As Athole wrote:

Why unplugged? We want everyone to be prepared with something to share. And not to worry too much about the tech and their PPT slides.

from: TeachMeet Glasgow (unplugged) – TeachMeet Scotland

He referenced the original ScotEduBloggers meetup (the grandparent of TeachMeet) as a indication of casualness and said:

However, clearly with a better balance of men, women and youth!

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Scottish Open Education Declaration 1.0 @ #tmglasgow

I am going along to TeachMeet Glasgowthis evening. I’ll be giving a two minute nano presentation. Not because I know a lot about the topic but because I think it is one that we should be thinking more about.

Given two minutes I’ll not be doing more than saying I think this is important and pointing to some resources.…

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And the Winner Is…

Choosing what to focus on for my individual learning project was not easy.  Once I opened my mind to the possibilities I was flooded with ideas.  I could study French, my ancestral language that for political and personal reasons my father never spoke to me. 
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Loading... is where I started. I went to the website and after looking around on the homepage, I decided to click on the ‘help’ menu. I found a number of nice, short videos on all sorts of different things. Most importantly, I found a video titled “Quick Start Guide” and after watching it, I discovered I needed NOOBS.
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​Quality of Open Educational Resources

There are no “textbooks” available for one of the courses I teach as a sessional instructor in the Department Fisheries and Aquaculture at VIU and the resources I use in my classes are up to my discretion. This presents both a burden and an opportunity in the development and delivery of the course and I have embraced open resources as they have become available.
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My Learning Project: GIS Community Mapping 

 No this isn’t my product shown above…. yet! I’ve been interested in creating a GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping project for some time and tackling it as my learning project for OLTD 505 will be my second attempt at it. ESRI Arc GIS is considered the industry leader in GIS and mapping and a few years ago I found that they offered a free 60 day training program, which  I thought it was an excellent opportunity to get started learning about GIS.
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Are OER the Solution?

In earlier courses in the Online Learning and Teaching Degree program I was introduced to the terms Open Education Resource (OER) and Creative Commons but had not explored either in depth.
The video “Why Open Education Matters” ( presented several points in favour of Open Education Resources. 
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A Review: The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto

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I just finished reading The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch Albom (@mitchalbom).

As with all his novels, Albom weaves his lesson adeptly throughout the characters, especially that of Frankie Presto and his musical gift. Uniquely narrated by music, the narrator provides us through Frankie, many opportunities to understand the many gifts we each posses and the role that these gifts have in shaping our lives.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs