syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Story of Counselling: Version 2 Haiku Deck

Day two of the challenge. I have chosen to share the same storyline as yesterday, only this time I have used the format of a Haiku Deck.


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Sync or Sink? A digital tale about syncing with my fraingers and other MOOCers

The latest etMOOC adventure is digital storytelling. I tried 6 photos instead of 6 words. It actually only needs that  last image, the rest are pretty dull, but they are part of the story. The final one really says it all, I took it this week while exploring some of the issues I am encountering with connectivism.
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My #etmooc Learning Experiences Jan. 21 – Feb 1 Expanded

I initially posted this image on January 30th, drawing it (off-line) gave me an opportunity to think about the experiences so far in #etmooc.

My ET MOOC Learning Experiences Jan. 21 - Feb. 1

My ET MOOC Learning Experiences Jan. 21 – Feb. 1

I did need to spend some time away from my computer to reflect, but once I had finished the mind map, I wanted to add hyperlinks.…

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Five Card Story: Metamorphosis

a Five Card Flickr story created by mrsdkrebs

flickr photo by ARckls

flickr photo by whistlepunch

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

My connections have transformed education for me. I’m ready to leap into the unknown.

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Education Technology MOOC #etmooc

Jumping in a little late on this MOOC (massively online course)! I’ve attempted another in the past (a wonderful World Music in Coursera) and I’m currently taking a stab at a Philosophy course on Coursera (through the University of Edinburgh).

I’m thrilled to see what an MOOC that is directly related to my teaching will be like!…

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A Little More About Connected Learning …

An important part of the classes I teach are student blogs. In my first year courses (an after degree program – so first year of a B.Ed.) the blog is a choice, this term over half have chosen to embark on reflective blogging, most for the first time.…

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Rehearsal Notes Migrating South for the Winter

I keep moving my concert band rehearsal notes between my own blog and my class blogs. For my next grading period I’m going to be trying some different strategies (thanks to etmooc) with my student blogging assignments.…

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Webinar archive: Using Google Docs Presentation Tools

I hosted a webinar to stream this session for my co-workers at Alberta Education on January 24th. I almost cancelled the session because I am pretty familiar with Google docs and there was a pretty large pile of paper accumulating on my desk.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs