syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Bloggers Block: a philosophical argument

This post is being filed in a new category of ‘Under Construction’.  I have set myself a target of writing one blog post a week and, as the week is nearly over, I am posting this one now.  I want to think about why I find it difficult to blog, and this is what I am trying to discuss here.  

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Being Effective and Efficient

A colleague sent me an article sent from another colleague on Thursday. I put it in my ever-expanding “To Read” pile, and I got to it this morning.

For readers who do not know me, I teach 11 composition courses a year.…

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Reflections on Topic 1 … Newton’s First Law.

Some of the questions posed during this #etmooc topic are ones I’ve explored before. Given the affordances which today’s communications technologies provide, it would be remiss (negligent?) not to reflect on how we might leverage the potential they might offer. So my explorations of the issues raised by “What does my PLE/PLN look like?…

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National Mentor Summit – January 2013

I spent last Thursday and Friday at the National Mentoring Summit in Washington, DC. In this week’s blog articles I’ll try to share some of the ideas and resources that I connected with.

I created this map to show some of the people and organizations I connected with out of the more than 500 people who attended.…

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#MOOC -Covered Towers? Online Education’s Coming Impact on Traditional College #etmooc

See on Scoop.itMDG Sustainable Education

MOOCs pose some complex questions: What MOOC credits are transferable? From which other institutions will we accept them? How and by whom will such courses be evaluated for equivalency and quality with existing courses and degree requirements?

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First Step in Connected Learning – Open Your Door

With our ETMOOC focus on connected learning this past week I have been reflecting on the journey I have undertaken in building my own PLN, one that I’ve come to lean heavily on for ongoing professional growth. A few short years (or months) ago I kept pretty much to myself, having a fairly direct line between me and any new information I wanted to bring into my practice.…

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Flexibilty for Diversity

This blog posting was inspired by a tweet from Michelle Franz (@lrndeveloper) this morning about MOOCs at universities.

In Thomas Friedman’s article Revolution Hits the Universities,  ‘Daniel’, the young man with some kind of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) described his experience in a Coursera/Penn MOOC as an opportunity to,”…work hard and enjoy being in sync with the world”.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs