syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Google Gives Good Online Course Design

Recently I took part in Google’s Mooc “Powersearching” delivered with their own (of course) LMS built using Course Builder.

Using a clean design, clear activities and assessments, built-in community and communication, I had the opportunity to learn in my own style, to suit my personal needs and interests, to particpate in a community and get immediate feedback.…

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Letting Go…

I must admit that I have been writing this first blog post in my head for several months and for many reasons, many of which you may have experienced as well, I  kept that post to myself.

As an e-Learning Contact (eLC) for Superior-Greenstone District School Board, I have had many amazing opportunities to witness the positive impact that technology has in both the  classroom and on professional development.…

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The blog is renamed “the therapist’s couch”

The blog isn’t really renamed the therapist’s couch.  Maybe it should be though.  These personal web spaces are not so much about library/school-related issues and successes as they are about my feeling insecure or unsettled about this or that.  I guess it’s all connected at the end of the day.…

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Connectivism and Knowledge Construction #etmooc

Knowledge construction occurs when learners connect to their prior knowledge or socialize new ideas.
As a classroom teacher, I identified myself as a constructivist, however, since that time I have fully transitioned from face-to-face to online education as a delivery modality.
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#ETMOOC Introductory Hello!

I’m excited to take part in #ETMOOC. I keep trying to come up with puns associated with the #ETMOOC. With a little more time I’ll stretch it into something lame and possibly, possibly so bad it’s funny.

Why #ETMOOC? I want to connect to others, read and dialogue with educators around the world about edu-ideas, issues, and dreams.…

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Introducing myself to #ETMOOC

I’m late and all of a sudden very, very busy BUT I am following the etmooc hashtag, lurking in google hangouts and viewing posts and blogs via my RSS. I am determined to participate, hence my lateness but am eager to learn from the many folks I follow on Twitter and folks I know who are involved.…

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#etmooc, allow me to introduce myself

Hey #etmooc! Here are the basics:

  • My name’s Eric. I’m 26. I live in Vermont with my wife, who’s expecting our first child.
  • I’m a 7-12 special education teacher @ CMHS.
  • I’m really into educational technology and assistive tech.
  • This is my first MOOC, and first experience with online learning.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs