syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Starting with ETMOOC

In the second half of last year I discovered MOOC courses and tried out (you can read about some of my experience in previous blog post).  After overcoming the „tsunami“ feeling of being overflowed with information, I found the way of learning quite compelling.…

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Why it’s time to say goodbye to report comments

Over the break I spent a lot of time catching up with family and friends, enjoying the festive season.  It seemed that everyone I caught up with had something to say about their child’s school report coming home without comments.

Due to the Australian Education Union’s latest stage of industrial action, many Victorian teachers chose at the end of last year to ban any written comments and numerical assessment data on student reports.…

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IICT2 and #etmooc

It’s just a coincidence that the online course that I teach, Integration of Information and Computer Technology Part 2 offered through ETFO AQ, an additional qualification course for Ontario Teachers, and #etmooc, the Educational Technology and Media Massive Online Course, commence on the same day.…

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IICT2 and #etmooc

It’s just a coincidence that the online course that I teach, Integration of Information and Computer Technology Part 2 offered through ETFO AQ, an additional qualification course for Ontario Teachers, and #etmooc, the Educational Technology and Media Massive Online Course, commence on the same day.…

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etmooc… Happy to be here!

First off, I’m someone who loves to learn all the time. For example, last weekend I learned how to use a sewing machine. Santa brought my boys (8 & 10) guinea pigs and so we began researching our new family members.…

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I’ve joined the ETMOOC to consider differences and similarities to the online grad course I’m taking through the web, regarding Education and Technology.

The learning management system at  the university has been difficult for me so far. What is difficult? I find there are too many locations for following discussions, and I find following a set of step-by-step instructions as well as the syllabus, makes it difficult to comprehend, to synthesize, to bring it all together.…

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Educating the heart

Last night we were visiting with friends and we started talking about how during times of conflict we will often resort to negative behavior in an attempt to induce positive behavior. This is true in our personal relationships (how many of us can say that we have never yelled at our partners to get them to do the dishes?).

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Personalisation – customisation – TESOL Greece Blog Challenge

Personalisation (customisation) in the English classroom. It’s a huge topic but I feel very passionate about, and – perhaps a bit uncharacteristically of me – proud of the strides English language teaching has made in this area.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs