syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Open Learning Starts for January 2013!

open loop-oh

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Open Learning Options…..starting January 2013 – My choices….

MOOCs – Massive Open Online Courses:

Educational Technology and Media
#etMooc – Developed by Alec Couros – starts: Week of January 13, 2013
Duration: 10 weeks with the goal to develop a community of learners in educational technology.…

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Rewiring the Neuron

My good friend Bruce recommended that I read James E. Zull’s book The Art of Changing the Brain (2002), and I’m glad that I followed his advice. The book has some important implications for connectivist, rhizomatic thinking.

The first section of the book establishes a direct correlation between brain form and functions and teaching and learning.…

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“Value proposition” clarity – seeking more of it [Part 1]

I doodle if I want to clarify my thinking.  I can now even “play” on my iPad while doing it!  Alliteration is also my thing; probably something I have to let go of some time…

Here’s version 0.5 of my STEM not-for-profit’s “business model” (in pictorial form):

The "5P" model!

The “5P” model!

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New Year’s Day Walk — Birds and a Snowy Sunset.

Time to reflect on the year past and muse about the new year. What better place to do that than outside in nature. 22 degrees F, snow, and a brilliant sunset made it memorable. Nature is a good friend.

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Student Engagement and Ownership of Learning – Let This Drive Education

What drives a learner? What inspires one to persist, challenge themselves, and be highly involved? What engages a learner? What can be done to increase ownership, commitment, and purpose? These are critical questions that should be asked in every conversation about learning, educational reform, future schooling, and instructional design. …

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Simple vs Complex Definitions 2

In my last post, I started listing the problems I have with simple, reductionist, essentialist definitions and suggesting ways that complex definitions provide better, more workable results. The list of issues that I want to present is in no particular order, as my thinking is not yet ordered enough.…

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Goodbye to 2012…hello future-waiting-to-created

I have heard several of my colleagues and contemporaries describe 2012 as “full of ups & downs”.  Possibly in the spirit of cowboys-don’t-cry, they spared those around the details of the “downs”.  I even noted that a few folks made half-joking  :-( references to the non-arrival of Mayan Apocalypse! …

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Looking to Transform Education? Embrace Learning, Leadership, and Innovation

Looking to Transform Education? Embrace Learning, Leadership, and Innovation

Changes in education occur frequently: new programs and initiatives, new standards and assessments, new state and federal mandates. But none of these represents a true paradigm shift. This isn’t surprising, considering that innovation, responsible risk-taking, and teacher leadership are rarely encouraged, valued, or supported in education.…

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Student Engagement Action Research – Part 1

In 2011, I did an action research study focused on creating a learning environment that increased student engagement and ownership.  The results were positive and set me on a path toward “reforming” the teaching and learning in my classroom. Action research will now become part of my yearly personal professional development plan and hopefully yours, too. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs