syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

7 C’s of Learning Design

Attended a learning design workshop at the University of Wollongong with Grainne Conole from the University of Leicester. I felt like a gate crasher, it was an in-house event, however, in keeping with Professor Conole’s philosophy of adopting open practices of sharing experiences and research, I will feel better about having enjoyed the UOW hospitality and lamingtons if I share some of the resources.…

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transformação da aprendizagem

Eis o vídeo sobre objeto de aprendizagem – Moocead, 
Eu respondi aos 5 primeiros videos da sequencia de um dos coordenadores do Moocead, mas evitei responder sobre o design. Não gosto de designs em EaD que aprisionam. Um bom design deve auxiliar e cooperar para a liberdade de agir do professor.,
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Behaviour Management

It’s been months since I last posted. I’ve written on my class blog, our kidblog and have done a lot of tweeting… but I’ve neglected my own personal blog. Now is the time to get this up and running again.

I’ve realized that the posts I put on our class blog could go into so much more detail and I should be doing that here. 

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

I am taking this course: Designing a New learning Environment and our Assignment #4 was this:

Learning Classification Chart using Bloom’s Taxonomy: 

Using Bloom’s Taxonomy (the original or an updated version, or Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy) find and indicate 1 existing educational technology for addressing each level of learning.
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Which Educators are Changing Higher Education?

I came across a piece from Smithsonian Magazine profiling Sebastian Thrun, the man behind the xMOOC prototype via Stanford’s Intro to AI course (the research community needs a shorthand for this) as well as Udacity.  Thrun won the Smithsonian’s American Ingenuity Award for Education based off his work in the MOOC world, and the magazine’s piece about him starts off as most smartly written puff pieces do:  a description of the location, the unique idiosynchracies of Thrun as he and the writer meet, a tangential topic that will show its relevance later…boilerplate journalism.  …

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LectureMaker Trademark

News Update

LectureMaker was awarded a trademark today from the United States Patent and Trademark Office on the name: LectureMaker®.

Ron Fredericks, Co-founder of LectureMaker LLC, points out “The trademark award is an important step in the evolution of LectureMaker’s business model.

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I’m From …

I’m from Norman Avenue in North Bay – a land of lakes and forests
A kid-ridden lower middle-class street ending at a long-grassed, beaver-havened swamp.
I’m from wander-lusted forest floor hideouts of endless summer play in the wild, uncouth land;

Escaping into our daily wonderland of wooden bark homes and muddied decaying leafy floors,

Taunted by bears and moose above the escarpment, beyond the creek.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs