syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Kumashiro Chapter 2 Preparing Teachers for Crisis: A Sample Lesson

What it means to be a student.

Kumahiro’s stories in this section and in the beginning of the book are wonderful.   Student M and N are everywhere and in each of our teaching practices.  I enjoyed reading the stories of students in the classroom and found the examples provided more authenticity to the topic.…

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Kevin Kumashiro – Chapter 1 – Response

I like the teacher as researcher model and believe that we should be using this format for our professional development.  Too often teachers are mandated to go to conferences and get nothing out of the conference.  There are many reason why professionals do not get what they want from conferences. …

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Watch all the videos and then, as a group, rank them from 1 to 5. 1 is the video that your group thinks is the best and most helpful for helping someone learn more about fractions. You should enter your rankings, and the reasons for your decision into the comment box.…

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Advancing Learning Conference – Bridging the Gaps

What a wealth of fabulous learning conversations and sharing at the Advancing Learning Conference in Rainy Sarnia. I wanted to get a few of my notes/thoughts organized while they are still fresh and in context 🙂 They are mostly point form…

The event that had the biggest impact for me was Micheal Wesch and his keynote address.

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View from the panel…

Tonight’s Social Media: Impacts on Learning and Teaching panel discussion was very interesting….

I’ve never sat on a panel before and was a bit nervous. There were four of us; me, a faculty member, student, and administrator (from the registrars office).…

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My chances of winning all the chocolate ARE?

Life’s been a bit tougher the past 12+ months which is why there’s been less of Sue around than previously.

And off course, during the same period I’ve also been a bit accident prone so some of my friends, who have been there when I’ve needed them, have decided it’s time for a smile and laugh.…

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How do you “plan” a grassroots movement??

Just came out of a Professional Development Planning meeting (okay so that was last week 🙂 – our job was to take some linear charts and put together a cohesive professional development plan that could be taken to our senior leadership in the near future.…

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The Power of Posing Problems

This TED video is the jumping-off point for this entry:

This video prompted the following comment on the TED website:

  • John Burrell 2 hours ago: The teaching profession are falling over themselves to embrace the ‘new paradigms’ advocated by this teacher, repeated by amongst Ken Livingston and written about by Steven Johnson + the endless retweets on Edchat.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs