syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

learning analytics

eis uma proposta interessante –

“[…]  but what will still define education is the presence of (a) a teacher, (b) students, and (c) a set of agreed-upon goals that they work toward together.”

Encontramos uma previsão de que espaços e formatos diferentes mudarão o ensino superior, e desta forma, de simples transmissão a transformação seguirá para uma relação pedagógica diferente entre o professor e o aluno, apoiados por uma estrutura curricular diferente e  uma missão diferenciada da universidade para com aquele que deseja o conhecimento.
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Open Learning – trying to define and apply to K12 …again :)

I am still thinking and reflecting about what  “Open Learning is all about”….

I have been thinking more about the variations of “open”…and perhaps @OpenContent  and @FredWBaker  can add to my thoughts (Thanks your comment earlier Fred).

I am now beginning to think of “Open Learning” in three distinct areas: Open Content/ Resources (OER),  Open Pedagogy and Open Leadership.

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WAC 3: Writing to Connect

I said in an earlier post that the first objective of a writing across the curriculum program is “to enable students to learn more and better.” In this mode, students are using writing as a tool for mapping knowledge networks both in their own minds and in the world about them.…

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But can the Internet really replace higher education?

Este foi o texto que prendeu a minha atenção em 23 de outubro.
Inicialmente a citação “Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” -Albert Einstein

E logo apos encontro que “[…]There currently exists too much of a gap between the university world and the general public.”

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My new blog

So I finally have my own website!

I know – not very inventive but it is mine.

For the last few years I have used a free word press blog, and although they were simple enough to allow me to do my own, I am enjoying having the freedom to do what I like with it.…

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A Collaborative Learning Culture in the Digital-Age

This week Jared Bennett and I presented at the ECOO 2012 Conference themed Learning in the NOW Century. This post shares about a component of the presentation. Context: The importance and necessity of creating a collaborative learning culture with others … Continue reading

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Good lessons begin with good planning


Good lessons always begin with good planning. Successful teachers commence with effective and productive lessons.

When I was doing an internship at LINK center as a part of my College Teacher Training Programme, I learnt the specimen outline of developing lesson plans.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs