syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Change… scary or exciting?

This new school year brings some new and exciting adventures my way. I’ve moved schools (again) this year. This will be my 8th classroom to set up in 7 years of teaching. The downfall of being an LTO means I need to pack up and leave at the end of each year.…

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First Blog!

Today is the start of something new.

I’ve just set up my own personal blog. 

Quite honestly, this scares me. A LOT. However, I’ve been told many times that blogging can be so important for my own personal growth as a teacher, that I just can’t ignore it anymore.…

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Let’s Hangout on Google+

On Sunday, June 3, 2012, I participated in an on-line discussion hosted by the Webheads network and met Curt Bonk, a Professor at Indiana University, and author of The World is Open. Curt talked about Instructional Ideas and Technology Tools for Online Success.…

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Graduating Class of 2012 – My Toast to the Students

It is such an honour to be asked by a graduating group to be the teacher, among such incredible teachers, who gets to give the speech at the Grad dinner.  I thank you for thinking of me.

So, my dear graduating class of 2012 – you and I have travelled quite the road together that has been fraught with peril and wonder. …

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My dog could blog

Well, hello! It’s been forever since I have posted anything and I am thinking it’s time for me to get back to blogging. I remember the enthusiasm I had when I first started this blog…I had *too much* to say and loved the feeling of getting my thoughts out there…wherever that is.…

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My tweeps are coming with me

[Note: this post began as a comment I left on a post by Maria Anderson (@busynessgirl on twitter). She announced she’s heading to a new job. I recently did that, too…]

As I announced recently, I’m leaving UBC and Vancouver for a new position at the University of California, San Diego.…

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A Tale of Two Comets: Evidence-Based Teaching in Action

Comet McNaught

Comet McNaught wow'd observers in the Southern Hemisphere in 2007. (Image by chrs_snll on flickr CC)

We often hear about “evidence-based teaching and learning.” In fact, it’s a pillar of the approach to course development and transformation that we follow in the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative.…

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Toolbox: e5 iPad Apps

Next year the Year 7s at our school will be bringing their iPads to school. This is part of the plan to answer the Big Question presented to our teachers at the end of 2011 –

How does Vermont Secondary College better prepare its student and teachers to meet the challenges of the 21st Century?

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Situated Learning

[I wrote this review of situated learning, also known as situated cognition, in 2009 for the internal communications discussion board we use in the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative. I go back to it often enough, mostly to find the reference for the amazing paper by James Paul Gee, that I’m reposting here.]…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs