syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Left/Write and the Desires of Prepositions

It’s difficult to tell where the rhizome will lead you.

So I’m studying prepositions, and learning some Sunday School lessons along the way. Once you take rhizomatic learning seriously, then it gets out of control quickly, as rhizomes will do. As Faulkner once said of writing novels, you just follow the main characters, scribbling furiously.…

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Any Questions?

(Image shared by db Photography on flicker CC-BY)

(Image shared by db Photography on flicker CC-BY)

In the terrific book, How People Learn, [1] the authors describe 3 key findings about how people learn, what teachers should do with those findings, and what it might look like in the classroom:

  1. Students come to the classroom, each with their own pre-existing knowledge, experiences, skills, motivations, and resources, that the teacher needs to draw out and work with through student-centered activities.
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For the last couple of commutes I’ve been hooked by a ~.

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M-learning- Levando a aprendizagem para qualquer lugar


O M-learning ou mobile learning tem se popularizado bastante graças ao surgimento de aparelhos eletrônicos portáteis como os tablets ,Ipads  e telefones celulares mais sofisticados como os smartphones  ,permitindo aos  alunos usufruir da aprendizagem móvel ,facilitando a aprendizagem em inúmeros  contextos , beneficiando vários níveis  que vão desde a educação básica ,superior  e trazendo grandes vantagens( como a redução substancial de custos ) para a educação corporativa , (que será assunto para um outro post) promover uma aprendizagem que não está atrelada a nenhum ambiente específico e que pode ser acessada em qualquer lugar é o grande trunfo  desta modalidade que é uma subárea do e-learning .…

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Effective Design and Management for Group Projects in Online Courses

How Does Group Work Relate to Student-to-Student Engagement and Overall Success of Course Design? Dr. Melissa Kaulbach and James Bryan Smith answer this question during this episode of Ed Tech Du Jour.

Click here for a PowerPoint version of the video.

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Web Literacy Map 2.0

Like many education folk I follow Doug Belshaw for lots of good reasons. This week I bumped into Doug at Opening Educational Practices in Scotland Forum and launch (a lot to digest from that). Doug reminded attendees about the Survey: 5 proposals for Web Literacy Map 2.0 he is organising.…

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Web Literacy Map 2.0

Like many education folk I follow Doug Belshaw for lots of good reasons. This week I bumped into Doug at Opening Educational Practices in Scotland Forum and launch (a lot to digest from that). Doug reminded attendees about the Survey: 5 proposals for Web Literacy Map 2.0 he is organising.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs