#DCMOOC- some final thoughts

Participation in the #DCMOOC community has enlightened my views of the impact of the internet on myself, my students and our society.

I would like to say thank you to:

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Lessons For a New School Counsellor: Year end post

Originally, I planned to share this post with Marc. In reflection, I think this post should stand alone.


Reflecting on my first year of counselling makes my successes, struggles, observations and learning apparent, showing how I have changed professionally and personally. …

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Citizenship: Being a Member of a Larger Community

Over the last five weeks #DCMOOC has allowed us to connect with a variety of leaders in the field of Digital Citizenship.…

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Living Aware … Living Informed … Living Empowered

Alec presenting

I’ve been thinking a lot about mental health and wellness since our mental health symposium facilitated by Alec Couros. Thinking about and discussing mental health is so important. This day was a culmination of five months of meeting with students and staff to discuss what we would like to do.…

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Social Media- A Platform for Developing Empathy

As #DCMOOC progresses I am continuing to reflect on the meaning, impact and importance of the digital world for both my students and myself.

This week I took Alec Couros` recommendation and read through Danah Boyd’s digital book ITS COMPLICATED: THE SOCIAL LIVES OF NETWORKED TEENS

As a school counsellor, I appreciated Boyd’s attempt to give a voice to the teenage perspective surrounding social media.  …

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Lesson #20 I Want To Be A Good Digital Citizen


Week 2 of #DCMOOC and I find myself thinking about digital citizenship in everything I do. Isn’t that what we want students to do? Isn’t that what I want to do … think before I post, learn to be a good digital citizen.…

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#DCMOOC- A Fresh Start at Digital Citizenship

As a high school counsellor, parent and educator I value life long learning. #DCMOOC is a connectivist MOOC, which means it thrives on how students learn with and from each other. I am excited to start this adventure as I hope it will provide me with a flexible opportunity to connect with others who are reflecting on the importance of teaching and modeling digital citizenship.…

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It’s #dcmooc time! – Intro session

Introduction to #dcmooc. The digital citizenship massive open online course started this week. I missed the initial session but, thankfully, the moderators/facilitators/creators Alec Couros @courosa & Katia Hildebrandt @kbhildebrandt offer a second session.


The intro was informative, sharing about the overall goals of the massive open online class and the different learning environments available for the almost 800 digitial citizenship (dcMOOCers) such as google+ community, twitter #DCMOOC hashtag, the DCMOOC blog list, and the Blackboard Collaborate “formal” webinar sessions.
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Gamification course done…#DCMOOC & Math AQ starting

It’s been a month since I’ve blogged. Still loving learning and also working on some great projects as part of the AT team. Just a quick post to let you know I’ve successfully finished my #Gamification14 course – so much useful info that I can apply to education.
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