Eye of the Tiger

A Purposeful Gait

I am subbing for an English class over the course of the next few weeks. I have a few sessions under my belt, which is just as many as the students have. After reading the results of the first few essays I felt perhaps I was doing the students and school a disservice by taking on the teaching assignment.…

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Sample Interview Question for Teaching Candidates

Q: What is the last book you read?

The last book I read was Ameila Bedelia by Peggy Parish. It is a children’s story about a maid whose character, in my opinion, parallels The Golden GirlsRose Nyland played by Betty White.

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MOS Cert Class 1

Time Flies When You’re Differentiating Instruction

I attribute the success of Monday’s class to my method of using differentiated instruction. I kicked off each segment with a video to create a spark and ignite the working memory. Students were directed to simply listen – and not submit to the temptations of note-taking and keyboard shadowing.…

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