The MOOC Experience

One of the MOOCs that I enjoyed was “Web Storytelling” by Alan Levine aka Cogdog.  Therefore, I decided to another presentation by Alan entitled “True Stories of Openness”.  The title intrigued me because I thought the presentation was going to be more about open education in the form of the MOOC movement. …

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The “Grande Finale”…or…is it “Just the Beginning”??

Here I am…writing my last post on my ETMOOC reflections.  My experiences, my participation, my learning.  It’s all about me folks …but is it really going to be my last post about my MOOC experiences?

I’ve really given this question a lot of thought lately. …

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Learning in an Ethos of Moocs


Classroom 2.0 Mooc

Classroom 2.0 Mooc has proven to be very informative and useful to my teaching.  Roger Shank spoke one Saturday morning about why large Stanford style Moocs may not work.  He stated, “larger is not better.”  The best learning, according to him, happens when there is a small group with a mentor learning about a subject they are interested in. …

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First Prezi Presentation

A week ago, I used the second prezi that I have created to present at Alumas Wałdamala (Alumas Information).  I have attached the registration package for your information although the event has passed.  I was very honoured and humbled to be presenting a paper that I wrote for EDCI 532 in which the instructor was Monica Prendergast from the University of Victoria. …

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Terms of Service not Terms of Endearment

I came away from the ETMOOC session Who Owns Your Education Data? (and Why Does it Matter?) hosted by Audrey Watters informed and realizing I need to sharpen this area of my digital literacy skills.

Being a principal I am constantly bombarded by standardized testing that aims to collect data. …

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As I’m sitting here working away on my final assignments in my tech courses, I can’t help to stop thinking about my learning journey with the massive online open course I am participating in….ETMOOC.  I realized today that my UVIC tech courses will be ending within a few weeks and I’m feeling…..well….kind…

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Relationships-A School Foundation “Becoming a Networked Educational Leader”

I have only been an elementary school principal for two years. Most of my educational experience comes from a decade of teaching. Before I became principal I had no administrative experience or mentorship. Consequently, there have been many challenges along the way but the positive experiences have far outweighed the adverse moments.…

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‘Open Ed’ Continues….

I can’t believe how far into this course I am now.  It seems like yesterday that I was watching my first ever live MOOC session.  So much has happened since that day….I’m sooooo connected!  I began with the ETMOOC, suggested by my prof, at the beginning of our tech course.  …

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