
So  I’ve been playing with sound over the last few days. It has been a little frustrating partially because tools and devices that worked when a tutorial was built in 2008 or 2010 or 2012 may not be as useful as they once were due to the ever changing nature of software.…

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Storytelling, TVSZ and what I learned this week by being a zombie.

This past week on Headless 2013 we’ve been discussing storytelling,the arc of stories and Kurt Vonnegut’s idea that stories have a shape. Well, I loved both the infographic and the video of Kurt Vonnegut discussing the shapes of stories. I had never thought of it that way but as soon as you do, you can completely see it.…

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Superhuman! My return from the dead, maybe.

I’ve been rendered a human again,  a gift of love from @JLVala. |It’s been odd to return to my human form, especially since I was a zombie almost from the beginning of the plague. As a zombie, I was a ruthless killer, hunting down unsuspecting prey, trapping them, relentlessly stalking humans.…

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Out of gas

Let me sing you a lullaby as we lull you to sleep.

Life is short and painful
but death is long and deep.
In life, friends are fleeting,
in death they’re the ones you eat.
Slip the chains of your mortality,
Enter the depths of calm,
Being undead is so moving,
you’ll wonder why you waited so long.…

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It is lonely where you are.

You are alone.

No human can rescue you.

But we offer love and companionship, friendship and food sharing.

Embrace the zombie horde.

We love you, we will cherish you, we will savour you.

Come into the light so we might welcome you.…

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On Behalf of @barbiez2013 (who needs to start a blog for the good of humanity!)


(POSTERS NOTE:  I am posting this on behalf of my girl @barbiez2013 because she can’t figure out how to use this “computer dolly thingy” — her words, not mine.)
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Zombies think of little else than food. How to get food, where to get food and how to get food. We need the flesh of a living human to survive, but not only that, we need their souls. For a few brief minutes as we lowly suck on the warm fresh heart of our dinner, we feel the warmth and joy of life that we have surrendered unwillingly to the zombie horde flood back into our bodies.…

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Gravatars and Blogger

So now I know why DS106 wanted me to use WordPress instead of Blogger. It’s because of the gravatar, a relatively simple thing to set up for WordPress (which I have done) but a horribly convoluted mess in Blogger. I was working my way through reading other Headless13 blogs, when I came across one of my posts.…

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