Student approved apps

Although I haven’t tested out all of the apps myself they are all highly recommended by my A Level students. Hopefully your students will find these useful too, especially during this stressful exam period.

Apps for education

Click on the picture to see a larger, clearer image.

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How to create an animated picture

Click on the picture to go to the source website

A colleague recently asked me how I created animated pictures as she wanted to create her own as fun way of relaying instructions to students via her Moodle page. If your interested in creating your own gif but don’t know where to start this link takes you to a tutorial for Photoshop users whilst this link will take you to a tutorial for the free photo editing software GIMP.…

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Using XtLearn to create visual bookmarks for VLEs, student projects and staff collaboration

XtLearn is a bookmarking system that can be used to create visually interesting links which can then be embedded into your VLE, website or shared via links on Twitter or Facebook.

I was introduced to the software a few weeks ago and could immediately see the benefits for my institution and their students.…

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How I use mobile technology as a learner

As a learning technologist technology plays a large part in my life therefore it’s no surprise that I use mobile technology to support my own learning. Below are are the apps that I am currently using.

learningapps title=

Notability – As the name suggests I use this app for note taking.  …

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Thinglink interactive posters


Inspired by the #etmooc projects my students have just started to use with the interactive poster software . As I’m currently teaching a research module my students have been using the presentation tool to create posters that summarise their findings and share links to the sources that they have used – this has included embedding webpages and YouTube clips in to the posters.…

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Apps for assessment

As an Apple addict I’m always either on my iphone or my iPad and the use of apps has transformed the way that I learn – however that’s for another post. Today I’m going to introduce you to a few of my favourite apps that can be used for assessment purposes.…

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MOOCs, are they worth it?

Ping, I have constantly been hearing this noise all afternoon as my phone has been lit up with the excitement brought about by the start of a new MOOC. In the space of 4 hours I have received around 40 email notifications as participants have published their first task for the Association for Learning Technologies Open Course on Technology Enhanced Learning (ocTEL).…

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Event Report: White Rose Learning Technologists’ Forum March 2013

Last week I attended my first meeting of the White Rose Learning Technologists’ Forum (WRLT) which was hosted by two of the learning technologists at the University of Leeds. The event was really interesting as the hosts Kristen Thomas and James Little created an Easter themed treasure to demonstrated the use of augmented reality app, Aurasmus.…

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Twitter’s Vine: Communicate in 6 Seconds

Meet Vine, Twitter’s app that lets you create short, 6-second looping videos in a simple, fun way. The videos you post show up on your Vine profile, but you can also share your videos on Twitter and Facebook. Creative Vining Vine is still young–released late January–so you’ll notice users get more and more creative with […]

The post Twitter’s Vine: Communicate in 6 Seconds appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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