InstructureCon 2013 and the LMS

Quick disclaimer:  I’m sitting the the Bloggers’ Cafe at ISTE 2013 right now, which is an awesome feeling. I had an fantastically productive time at HackedEd 2013 yesterday, with a lot of new PD ideas, and this morning’s Epic Leadership workshop on game mechanics with Jane McGonigal was just as good.…

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#LAK13 – Avvicinamento a Canvas e a Tableau Software

Mi sono iscritta al corso Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2013 nella convizione che possa essere un osservatorio interessante di quanto sta emergendo nel settore; l’interesse è legato all’esigenza di  evolvere il mio modo di essere lifelong learner attraverso i fenomeni emergenti e le  tecnologie digitali.…

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The Scam of Online Learning Platforms

Reblogged from M.G. Piety:

Click to visit the original post

There’s an interview in this morning’s Inside Higher Education with Katie Blot, the president of Blackboard Education Services. Universities pay millions of dollars to Blackboard and similar companies for online learning services that are, in fact, available for free on the internet.

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Orientation – key thoughts

“Using Web technology primarily for the purposes of content distribution and secure communication between faculty and students in higher education is akin to using a desktop computer for a doorstop. A desktop can certainly work well for that purpose, but it falls far short of its intended use and its full potential.” 

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