How to Study a cMOOC: Part 3 of a list for #CLMOOC

So I’m closely reading Dillenbourg’s 1999 introduction to collaborative learning to see what guidance it may provide for studying cMOOCs such as Rhizo14 and CLMOOC. Dillenbourg’s first point about looking at collaborative learning from different scales strikes me as most helpful, but his second point about defining learning at best provides negative examples: what not to do.…

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How to Study a cMOOC: A list for #CLMOOC

I’ve joined CLMOOC, and the first two tasks are underway:

to create a how to as a way of introducing ourselves, and 
 2. to create a list.

This is my attempt to do both at the same time. I propose here a list of approaches to studying cMOOCs, such as CLMOOC and Rhizo14.…

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