Quality Matters Standard 3: A Review

QMOver the next two weeks, we will be going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will continue with Quality Matters Standard 3.

QM Standard 3

Assessment strategies are designed to evaluate student progress by reference to stated learning objectives; to measure the effectiveness of student learning; and to be integral to the learning process.

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Quality Matters Standard 2: A Review

QMOver the next two weeks, we will be going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will continue with Quality Matters Standard 2.

QM Standard 2

Learning objectives are measurable and are clearly stated.

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Quality Matters Standard 1: A Review

QMOver the next two weeks, we will be going over each Quality Matters Standard and pointing you towards suggested Faculty eCommons resources that apply to each standard. Today, we will start with Quality Matters Standard 1.

QM Standard 1

Course Overview and Introduction: The overall design of the course is made clear to the student at the beginning of the course.

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Quality Matters Changes To Anticipate in 2014

Starting in July, QM is implementing a number of changes related to the course review process to improve the rigor of reviews and to provide more services to subscribers. These changes include naming protocols, new review services and process changes, requirements for Peer Reviewers, a new QM Review Manager Certification and a fee change.

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AP Presents Course Building: One Module at a Time at the Quality Matters SW Regional Conference 2014

QM presentationDr. Melissa Kaulbach, Vice President, Academic Services, Melanie Hovland, Assistant Director, Academic Services, and Monica Hogland, Sr. Consultant, Academic Services presented “Course Building: One Module at a Time” to a packed room at the Quality Matters Southwest Regional Conference 2014 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Course Building 101: One Module at a Time – QM Presentation

For those who attended our presentation, “Course Building 101: One Module at a Time” at the Quality Matters 2014 Southwest Regional Conference, THANK YOU! Below are resources to which we referred during our presentation. Enjoy!

You can access our presentation file by clicking here.

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Quality Matters 2014 Southwest Regional Conference: The Landscape of Quality

QMWe will be attending and presenting at Quality Matters 2014 Southwest Regional Conference: The Landscape of Quality this Friday, April 25th.

“With the mountains and sky of New Mexico as our setting and the QM rubric as our guide, we hope to get to the heart of what it means to provide quality distance learning and engage students, faculty, and administrators in the process of designing and implementing excellence.

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“When Will I Get My Grades?” How You and Students Benefit from the Answer

Faculty eCommons

One of the most common questions students ask deals with a course’s feedback time frame, that is, the turnaround time in which instructors provide grades and comments on assignments.
A feedback time frame is also one ……

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3 Easy Ideas for Student Introduction Assignments

Faculty eCommons

By asking students to introduce themselves at the beginning of a course, you promote social interaction and communication between students that helps pave the way for increased participation and engagement later in the course.
Although you ……

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Your New Summer Plans: QM Live! Summer Camp

Faculty eCommons

It’s summer!
You should be lying on the beach, napping under your favorite tree, sailing across the lake…but you also know that summer may be your only chance to participate in some much-needed professional development.
Great news! Register for ……

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