#oped12 «…Sulle spalle di giganti»

[…] C’ è un valore in una borsa di studio aperta? Se sì, chi ne è il destinatario: lo studente, l’educatore, l’università?

È questo, in estrema sintesi, il quesito della decima settimana di oped12 al quale mi propongo di rispondere, ponendo l’accento sul processo attraverso il quale sono giunta all’elaborazione della mia risposta.…

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My tweeps are coming with me

[Note: this post began as a comment I left on a post by Maria Anderson (@busynessgirl on twitter). She announced she’s heading to a new job. I recently did that, too…]

As I announced recently, I’m leaving UBC and Vancouver for a new position at the University of California, San Diego.…

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Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to San Diego I go!

I have really exciting news: In August, I’ll be leaving UBC and Vancouver to take up the position as Associate Director of the Center for Teaching Development at UC San Diego! The new Director, Beth Simon, has gotten everyone fired up about learning how to be better instructors.…

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