Customizing your LibraryBox v2.0 Beta

Screenshot of LibraryboxRecently I created a LibraryBox v2.0 Beta and have been spending some time customizing the look and feel of the default installation to reflect how I would like to use it and to prepare it for a couple of upcoming poster presentations.…

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Customizing your LibraryBox v2.0 Beta

Screenshot of LibraryboxRecently I created a LibraryBox v2.0 Beta and have been spending some time customizing the look and feel of the default installation to reflect how I would like to use it and to prepare it for a couple of upcoming poster presentations.…

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Just finished undermining my students learning

So another semester is finished and I submitted my grades. not sure if that is a good thing or not. My biggest quandary is what to do with a student that earned a B+ on his final worked on the collaborative exams but turned in very little class or home work.…

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pre and post-test mortem

Well the end is near several of my students have already taken the final, and now I am depressed. While most of the students did better on the final than on the pretest (as they should) two have done worse(?)! Now I admit the final is tough, but still shouldn’t all the students gain some … Continue reading

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