Getting More Out of Student Blogging

Through ETMOOC participants like Lorraine Boulos are realizing ”I am not just learning HOW to connect but WHY connect” and are now trying to transfer the skills they’re learning into their classrooms.

So I’ve put together tips for getting the most out of blogging with your student (you can watch the recorded ETMOOC student blogging session here).…

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Commenting Counts (or does it?)

We’ve worked hard emphasizing that reading other people’s posts and commenting on posts are both a very important part of the learning process as a blogger.

Maybe we’re wrong?  Or maybe we haven’t helped you experience it in action?

But what I do know is some have reflected they feel that commenting feels like a burden or that once you’ve made a comment it often goes no further.…

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Advanced Blogging: You asked for it!

I was asked to facilitate a series of blogging sessions the Massive Open Online Course on Educational Technology (ETMOOC).  You can read more about connectivist MOOC’s and ETMOOC here.

This post is a summary of the ideas. tips and resources shared in the advanced blogging session.…

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Learning through blogging as part of a connectivist MOOC

I was asked to facilitate sessions on blogging for the Massive Open Online Course on Educational Technology (#ETMOOC).  You can read more about connectivist MOOC’s and #ETMOOC here.

I’ve written this post to help participants better understand the ideas I discussed in my session and to make it easier to access the resources I recommend.…

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