Introversion and Technology: Update on My Quiet One

So, we’re at the point in our  project where the design teams have made decisions about whose building the space rover, whose  preparing the presentation and whose making sure everything gets done.  I was sitting at my desk Thursday watching my classic introvert work feverishly at the computer on her Glogster.…

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Digital Citizenship: Getting Our Feet Wet

So, yes, we’ve been blogging at Planet Science.  Its been going well.  I’ve kept it all relatively quiet as we’ve learned how to conduct ourselves online and how to present ourselves in a way that we won’t regret in the future.…

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That Red Ink Pen

I love using technology in my classroom.  When I first considered using it, my thought was, oh the trees I would save because I wouldn’t have 7,000 worksheets/papers/notebooks, etc. to plow through.  I can do quizzes and tests online and give alternate assessments that won’t require filling out pieces of paper.  …

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So, What About the Auditory Learners?

My family thinks I’m insane.  I can open a streaming movie on Netflix, get it going, then minimize the movie, then insist they all be quiet so I can”watch” my movie in peace.  My principal thinks I’m not paying attention at staff meetings because I’m the one sitting in the back of the room, grading papers and/or leafing quietly through my Flipboard while she explains for the 7,000th time what needs to happen to improve grades.  …

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Connecting: Moving Forward

I have been so busy this week with things in my classroom and my teacher leadership class as part of my masters program that I haven’t had time to stop and smell the #etmooc until today.  So, while listening to George Couros talk about connecting to your administrators and using social media in a way that can change education and the way we all learn, I stopped and thought:  Who am I connected to and why?…

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Connecting: Classroom Projects

I’ve always felt to was important to be aware of how others in the world live, work and play.  I remember having a pen pal, from Arizona, when I was in 3rd grade.  We’ve lost touch, but I’ll always remember discovering truths about Native Americans, seeing pictures of the different ecosystems and learning a little Spanish.…

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Connecting: What Apps do YOU use?

The fun thing about owning a tablet is adding the apps you plan  to use in the classroom (and the games you use during staff meetings… shhhh)

Here’s my current fav.. Moon Phase for IPad (I also have a version for Android that is on my phone)

What sorts of apps do you use in the classroom?

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Connecting and Keeping it all in Order

This week we’re all talking about how to connect with each other, our students and  all the other people out there that are stakeholders in education.  This blog is my attempt to make that happen.

Another way I connect, organize and keep my finger on the pulse of things is with a never ending list of bookmarks.  …

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Starting the Project.. .Adding the Technology

So, anyone that has been reading my dribble here may have seen my comments on starting a project with my classes on finding water on Mars.  We’re starting with learning about the Moon, the only planetary body in the solar system humans have visited.…

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