Connecting and Keeping it all in Order

This week we’re all talking about how to connect with each other, our students and  all the other people out there that are stakeholders in education.  This blog is my attempt to make that happen.

Another way I connect, organize and keep my finger on the pulse of things is with a never ending list of bookmarks.  …

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Teacher Leadership, EdTech , #ETMOOC, oh my!

I’m in grad school, working diligently towards my degree in Educational Technology.  The course I started this week is on Teacher Leadership and already, I’m able to see the comparisons to working in educational technology.

amen to THAT!

One article in particular has caused a good deal of reflection for me: Teacher Leadership, by Shelly Kurtz outlines what makes a good instructional leader in a school building and how this doesn’t necessarily mean being the principal.…

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Starting the Project.. .Adding the Technology

So, anyone that has been reading my dribble here may have seen my comments on starting a project with my classes on finding water on Mars.  We’re starting with learning about the Moon, the only planetary body in the solar system humans have visited.…

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#ETMOOC day two.

So, I’m so excited about this!  I ran to my desktop at school this morning and emailed some of the teachers I thought might like to participate in this experience.  So, before the day is over, there might be at least one more joining the fray… possibly more!…

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