A New Perspective on Depression

What if depression wasn`t just something that prevented us from being all we could be… but rather something that slowed us down and stopped us when we are becoming overloaded.  I love this TED talk on the power of depression. I would love to hear others view and or reflections on the topic.…

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How Being Connected had Impacted my Classroom

World Influence

I totally love the above picture. I took this a few minutes ago from my wordpress statistics and it shows a map of everywhere in the world my blog has been read. Imagine…. that my thoughts have been shared with people on almost every corner of the globe.…

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Connecting Today

This morning I participated in the following Connected Educator event*
Unfortunately the original key speaker was unavailable due to illness. However we had the pleasure of being able to work with Roz Hussin https://plus.google.com/117219403239374562288#117219403239374562288/posts
who agreed to facilitate the session in Stephen`s place.…

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