Fearful horses

So I made these knife rests for a friend who lives in Kentucky. I haven’t sent them yet even though they have been completed since last summer. Why? Because of fear. What if she doesn’t like them? I rarely share my work and every time someone buys one of my pieces I am surprised.…

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Barbie and the Seven Deadly Sins-DS106

So I have posted Barbie enacting four of the seven deadly sins to the DS106 website. I want to thank Laura Gibbs for turning me onto DS106 (even prior to our current assignment). I had so much fun with this assignment, shopping at Value Village for the dolls, thinking of the various scenarios (lust was the easiest!)…

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Burgundy Pot

So, on Wednesday nights we have etmooc chat and one of these nights I might make it to an etmooc chat because I am having a great time on this course. But Wednesday night is pottery night and I just hate to miss it.…

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DNLE and other relationships

Well fellow etmoocers, moocmoocers and DNLE alumni I passed the DNLE course and have my certificate in my hands (I’m old school- I printed it). So how am I feeling right now? Elated! Yes DNLE did evaluate my work, yes there were issues with the course (but now I realise that there are issues in every course, online or off- the challenges are just different to overcome) but I wouldn’t be wending my way through the mooc world and having these amazing conversations about learning, educating, philosophy and other subjects (I use Pinterest and yes I post recipes!)…

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A little something from DNLE

So Ioanna from DNLE posted this up for discussion in the DNLE alumni site so I thought I’d share. As always Ioanna has posted a question to get us thinking. http://dnle.stanford.edu/content/future-learning-educational-technology and http://envisioningtech.com/envisioning-the-future-of-education.png for the original source of the graphic.…

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Corporate Education

Sorry I was writing this post last week and then was felled by a bad cold.

“So I read this article and it strikes me that I don’t disagree with the overall thrust of the conclusions: that the current education system is outdated in its use of technology, that people need to be problem solvers and become producers of knowledge. …

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Masks, hats and other musings

I’ve been thinking about many things just lately. A few days ago someone kindly posted an interesting article about digital personas and how people feel they have two personas, digital and real life. This raises a point that I thought I would share, that of masks.…

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