Hacking – Word of the Year

While brainstorming for ideas for today’s Daily Create, “Draw/Create an image that creates a positive connotation for the word “hacking”, I realized that I could combine this with our assignment to hack a website. What better way to give hacking a higher profile than to have the Oxford English Dictionary announce that hacking, in the sense of remixing, be the word of the year for 2013.…

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Mimi and Toutou’s Excellent Adventure

This assignment was to create a story of an historical or literary figure using Google Maps as the framework.    My story is about Mimi and Toutou, neither literary nor historical figures, but two forty-foot long naval launches that were transported from London via Cape Town to Lake Tanganyika in 1915 in engage the Germans in combat during the First World War.…

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Radio Assignment Weeks 7 & 8

Merry Hacksters’ Radio Show

The main activities during the past two weeks have related to the creation of the Merry Hacksters’ Radio Show.  The whole experience was unique.  I have done very little work with audio before and I have never worked on a group project that was organized and executed using Twitter as the sole communications medium.…

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Alternative Magic Realism


This assignment is to take a cover of a well-known book and re-design the cover to suggest something completely different.  I scanned my bookshelves and selected Orlando by Virginia Woolf, giving Lord Jim a miss.

Orlando to most people means Disney World, so I found an image of the Magic Kingdom on Flickr by Oscar_shen (BY-NC-SA) to use as a part of the cover.…

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Acme Doodle – Learning By Design

MOOCS for LibrariansI have wanted to try visual note-taking for a while and have given it a couple of tries, but find that I drift to using mostly words.  I bought Mike Rohde’s The Sketchnote Handbook last fall as inspiration.  This week I attended a symposium on MOOCs and Libraries so decided to try visual note-taking in one of the sessions.  …

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DS106 Will Open Your Eyes


Image based on “24hr open eyes” by Mo Riza (CC-BY-2.0)

Week 5 of Headless DS106 was all about telling stories in photos.  Since staring DS106 I have found that my eyes have been opened and I am now more aware of brooms that look like peacocks and the potential for found objects that can be repurposed.…

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Colour Between the Lines

Rewrite of a newspaper articleThe Newspaper Blackout Assignment suggests that you should “grab a marker and today’s morning edition and start blacking out sections to create a new story. It could be a poem, a picture, or a novella, all drawn from the words of the latest news”. …

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