Take Aways

Sadly this is the last week of ETMOOC.  I had fun and learned lots.  For my last “assignment” I wanted to create something that combined images, text, music and voice so I tried several new tools to do this – Prezi, Screencastomatic, voice memos on my phone and finally loaded the result to YouTube.…

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Finding Images to Share, Re-use and Mix


by Olibac

There are many places on the web where you can find images that have been licensed in such a way that you can use, share and/or modify them without requesting permission.  Most of these images are made available under Creative Commons licenses.  …

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John Green on Copyright and Remixing

Book Cover of Fault in Our StarsI know that we are not looking at open access/copyright until next week, but I saw this video and thought that I should make a note of it before I forgot.  John Green, author of The Fault in our Stars, talks about one of his copyright experiences and about remixing.…

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Digital Literacy Redux

I can see now that my initial attempt at a definition of digital literacy was too narrow and that my academic librarian bias is all too evident in the narrow focus on “information”.  To remind myself to look beyond just one aspect of digital literacy I created this peacock to try to pull together and visualize Doug Belshaw’s elements of digital literacies combined with some of the concepts discussed in Howard Rheingold’s webinar on Literacies of Attention.…

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