Big Data and Literacy

In my last post I wanted to try to pin-point some ideas that seemed important to me in reference to the discussion going on at ETMOOC and with Mozilla around digital literacy and web literacy. It has been really engaging with some great discussions
on these topics with people via ETMOOC, and through the Webmaker network, and
via Twitter as well.…

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Towards Web-literacy and Transformative literacy

Literacy and Web-literacy

In anticipation for next week and for the discussions around literacy and web-literacy I think there are a few things I am thinking about both as a literacy teacher and an edtech person. Unfortunately this is going to roam into the realm of the academic banter on literacy.…

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Digital Storytelling and Popcorn

Digital Storytelling

I have really enjoyed seeing some of the digital storytelling examples and the sessions, like the awesome one on GIF’s as well. I think that taking stock of the ways that storytelling can fit into different spaces is a perfect idea for learning about connections and new tools.…

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Connected learning

Connected Learning

This is going to be a longish – but first of all I just wanted to thanks everyone for helping me get going and getting stuck in. I have been really enjoying looking at other people’s work and have been really inspired by reading around.…

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Introduction to ETMOOC

This is a quick post to introduce myself and to kick things off with ETMOOC.  I might make a quick intro video to go with this but the simple bits are here.

I am not sure if this is too late but I hope it is not.…

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