Content Curation

I just finished some research for one of my classes last week about content curation. Although I have used a lot of different tools in my PLE/PLN over the years – [netvibes, google reader, netnewswire, delicious, diigo, twitter, pinterest, flickr, zite, feedly, river of news, instapaper, and pocket] – to name a few, I had not discovered “curation” tools – although Pinterest, Zite, feedly and…

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Slowly trying to get involved…

Last week I was late getting into the etmooc, and I am still having problems with Blackboard Collaborate and have yet to view an archive. Once it said my OS was not acceptable (Mac x8.2) and wrong version of Java, downloaded and installed after a communication with their support, then switched to Firefox, but still not getting anything.…

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The Journey continues…

It is great to participate in a mooc again, and to reconnect with the ed tech community. My primary interests include social software for learning and facilitating learners to become self-directed. I am currently teaching a course in our school’s web design program, that focuses on developing a personal learning environment/network, and learning to use new web tools in the process.…

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