syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Strengthening my Resolve

I was in Costco buying some garbage bags this morning.  I went and lined up.  It was quite busy, surprising for a Sunday morning.  The man in front of me was talking to his young son about the Lego they were buying.…

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Microlectures & Multimedia: Helpful Tips & Strategies

MultimediaWe have updated our Multimedia Tips & Strategies tip sheet! See below for the updated information. You can also click here for a printable version of the tip sheet.

Helpful Tips & Strategies

The modern student is accustomed to multisensory, multimodal learning via technology.

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Connecting Diigo and! & Web sites

I want to sum up my Summer 2014 coursework by summarizing a few educational technology links Including:

photo: ice caves
Kamchatka, Russia
photo credit: xflo:w
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Why Standards-Based Assessment?

Why SBA? Here’s a quick list of my thinking:

  • It focuses everyone (me, students, parents) on learning instead of a seemingly endless string of assignments tackled one at a time and then forgotten.
  • Course requirements and learning goals will be much more transparent and more effectively communicated.
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Creaking Open the Course

It has been a while since I made this presentation at the Stanford Digital Learning Forum, which was rather benignly named “Overview of Innovations in Online Course.” As is usually the case in my self-assessment of such activities, it’s mostly forgettable.…

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Technology Tools for Teaching Online

We have created a handout that highlights technology tools for teaching online. It is separated into category of technology, tool name, website, price, compatibility, and use.

Click here for a printer-friendly version.








You Tube

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Glow Blog Migration Notes: e-Portfolios

Lost Puppy

Lost Puppy flickr image by Tim Shields Creative Commons – CC BY-NC 2.0

Here are some notes around the effect that the glow blog migration will have on e-portfolios hosted on the WordPress instances. There are two main things to consider, users/members of blogs and links to access blogs.…

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Ready for a Field Test

I’ve wished I knew how to use a spreadsheet for a couple years, but this summer I finally worked at it, in part because I was inspired by Alice Keeler, who is a spreadsheet wizard. If you’re looking for edtech know-how and inspiration, check out her blog, Teacher Tech, you won’t be disappointed.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs